Dry cow treatment with an intramammary antibiotic is recommended to reduce the risk of mastitis at the beginning of the next lactation. The dry period may be shortened unintentionally, affecting antibiotic residue depletion and the time when residues reach concentrations below the maximum residue limit (MRL). The objective of this study was to evaluate residue depletion in milk after dry cow treatment with cloxacillin, considering dry periods of 14 (G14d), 21 (G21d), and 28 d (G28d). Overall, fifteen cows with 60 udder quarters were included in the study. For each cow, three of the udder quarters were treated with 1000 mg cloxacillin benzathine (2:1) on d 252, d 259, and d 266 of gestation; one quarter was left untreated. Milk samples were drawn until 20 DIM and milk composition, somatic cell count and cloxacillin residues were analyzed. The HPLC-MS/MS revealed different excretion kinetics for the compounds cloxacillin and cloxacillin benzathine (1:1). All cows showed a cloxacillin and cloxacillin benzathine (1:1) concentration below the MRL of 30 µg/kg after 5 d. In the udder quarters of G21d and G28d, the cloxacillin concentration was already below the MRL at first milking after calving. The cloxacillin benzathine (1:1) concentration in the milk of G28d, G21d, and G14d fell below 30 µg/kg on the 5th, 3rd, and 5th DIM, respectively. Shortening the dry period affects residue depletion after dry cow treatment with cloxacillin. The risk of exceeding the MRL, however, seems low, even with dry periods shorter than 14 d.
Fischer-Tenhagen C, Bohm D, Finnah A, Arlt S, Schlesinger S, Borchardt S, Sutter F, Tippenhauer CM, Heuwieser W, Venjakob PL. Residue Concentrations of Cloxacillin in Milk after Intramammary Dry Cow Treatment Considering Dry Period Length.
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